my body is a cage;

Saturday, July 23, 2011

i could devour you.

Size: ?
Age: 18.
Highest Weight: 160.00 lbs.
Lowest Weight: 124.00 lbs.
Goal Weight: 88.00 lbs.

Favorite Diet Food?
Salad, fat free dressing, egg whites.

Favorite Binge Food?
Pizza, toast with butter and sugar, anything..

Favorite Exercise?
Anything cardio.

Anything with a BMI lower than 17.

What Makes You Slip Up?

What Makes You Strong?
When I see the number on the scale, when I see old pictures, when I think of how perfect I'll be.

When Did It Start?
Last year.

Does Anyone Know?
Sam. Boyfriend. A few friends.

Do You Want Help?
Um, no.

How Many Calories Do You Consume A Day?
500 max.

What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?
The biggest tummy in the world. Mile wide thighs. Jiggly ass. Flabby arms. Too much.

Are You In A Relationship?
Yes! <3

Is It For Attention?

Are You The Fat Or Thin One Out Of Your Friends?
Thin, but not the thinnest.

Are You Depressed?
Yes, but not as much as I was before.

Ever Tried To Commit Suicide?
No, but I was hospitalized for idealization.

Ever Been To A Psychologist?

Are You On Any Medication?
Lexapro, lamictal, abilify.

I AM -
[x] anorexic
[ ] ednos
[ ] bulimic
[x] living off diet pills
[ ] hungry
[x] thirsty
[x] drinking something
[ ] eating something
[ ] under 100lbs
[x] starving myself
[ ] participating in a fast
[ ] vegan

[x] ask if I’m anorexic/bulimic
[x] call me fat
[x] say I’m skinny
[ ] say I’m ugly
[x] say I’m pretty
[ ] spread rumors about me
[ ] force me to eat
[x] say I eat too much
[ ] wish I’d eat more
[x] don't know I'm anorexic/bulimic
[x] have tried to stop me

[x] I was thin
[x] I had a better body
[x] I didn't have to eat
[x] I could control myself
[x] I was under 110lbs
[x] I could avoid food
[x] I could hide what I am
[x] I wasn’t fat
[x] I was prettier
[ ] I could stop being ana/mia
[ ] I had a boy/girlfriend
[x] I could disappear

[x] feeling hungry
[x] seeing a difference
[x] shaking
[x] being weak (but strong at the same time)
[x] losing weight
[x] being anorexic/bulimic
[x] green tea
[x] diet pills
[x] being able to turn down food
[x] feeling good about myself

[x] when people stare
[x] being asked questions
[x] having to eat
[x] being single
[ LOL ] wearing short skirts
[x] being fat
[x] looking ugly
[x] feeling this way
[x] fat people

[x] more support
[x] people to stay out of my business
[ ] more friends
[ ] someone to know
[x] less food
[x] more water
[ ] a gym membership
[ ] to lose 50 lbs
[x] to lose 30 lbs (36, actually).
[ ] to lose 10 lbs

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