my body is a cage;

Monday, August 29, 2011

this feels like a dream.

i told my mom about my eating disorder.

it was strange. i wrote it all to her in a letter, and for a while i cried. she talked about sending me to inpatient, but i said no - i’m too fat for that. i told her i was going to work hard on not bingeing and purging, and i am. i want to keep losing weight, yes, and she accepted that. she just told me that i should come to her when i’m ready for recovery. but if it gets really bad before i’m ready, then she’ll send me into inpatient. and i’m okay with that.


  1. wow congrats you're so brave!! <3 this is great news

  2. very brave!! stay strong!! if you do go into inpatient... make sure to research the place first. :-)

  3. I'm glad your mom was so accepting. Binging and purging is not the best way to lose weight. It's hard to quit, but it is worth it.

  4. Your mom sounds wonderful--so understanding and supportive. I'm glad you were able to talk to her about it. It's good to know you can always go to her for help when you need/want it.


  5. So proud of you, you were so brave! Your Mum sounds super mega understanding. Hope everythingstays epic. Take care hun xx
