my body is a cage;

Sunday, August 28, 2011

you make me wanna die

it's a song by the pretty reckless, not actually how i feel.

i feel okay. really, really out of it from being sick and hopped up on a ton of nyquil, but i'm okay. i have thirteen days until the uproar festival, where i get to see my favorite band in the whole wide world. you guys have no idea how excited i am for it. oh my good golly gosh.
and thanks for the comments, you guys! <3 i've been working on not purging as much, but we all know how hard that is. i think i should just accept my bulimic tendencies... but part of me wants to fight against purging and just restrict.

i'll figure it out when i'm not so tired.
i'll go read some blogs now. (:


  1. oh i wish it was easy to just not purge... i wish you the best of luck with it!! I made it like 2 weeks or so and then it just happens. stay strong tho and you can do it! restricting is so much better and more effective... i cant wait to see fleet foxes! :-) don't know what i would do without music!

  2. you will get through it and put an end to purging, once you're ready to recover track ever single day as a non-purge day ! It will keep you on track and help when you get the craving because you wouldn't want to ruin you're "day 14 purge free" to get rid of 1 meal!

  3. That's so exciting you're going to see your favourite band!! I'm jealous. :D Most of my favourite bands have broken up, or they don't come to East coast. >:(

    It's always good to keep fighting the purging, I think. Even if we slip up, it's a fight worth continuing. <3

  4. My security word was "bingegod."

    God has a twisted sense of humour.
